Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Any ideas on how to remove dried latex paint from clothing?

I just painted my new house (all 10 rooms) and I have found no way to remove the paint from any of my clothes. Sorry. They have these little wipes for wiping up spilled latex paint and those didn't even work. I will bookmark your question, because I have a pair of jeans I would like to get a little bit out of. Best of luck.Any ideas on how to remove dried latex paint from clothing?
It depends on the material. If it is a fine material such as silk, there is no way. But if it is a more durable fabric such as cotton, denim, etc., the best way is to take a razor blade and scrape the top layer off. Once the top layer (where the acrylic floats in drying) it's not so tough and the rest should come out with nail polish remover.

This works for globs. If it is a spatter it would take more time than it is worth.Any ideas on how to remove dried latex paint from clothing?
Have you tied white spirits, as long as the material is colored fast it should be okay or turps. I could suggest you soak them first in cold water before you use these things
Paint(oil base) Use the paint thinner recommended on the paint can, or turpentine. Rinse then rub with detergent paste. Paint (water base)If the paint dries you can say good bye to whatever it went on,there is no way you can remove it,

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